Cornish Patisserie
Cornish Patisserie, suppliers of award winning savory pies & deserts to the catering industry had a successful Solar PV system installed in 2015 to help reduce the premises growing energy demands, as well as attract additional income from the Feed-in-Tariff scheme.
As the energy demand and spend have increased over the years the company wanted to explore the possibility of adding an additional system to help reduce grid dependency and secure the long-term future of the business.
The first step was for Solgen to submit an application to the DNO (National Grid) to see if the additional system would be able to be installed. Permission was granted for the additional 35.25kWp system but the export had to be limited to 30KW.
Although the original system was not installed by Solgen, we were happy to remove and relocate the array to create the space for our new system. All DC cabling was replaced and the system re-tested to ensure there were no issues. The Inverter for the existing system was also replaced due to a fault that had occurred before the work commenced.
The company are now able to view the performance of both systems on one monitoring platform which not only shows the total generation, but also the consumption and export of the site.
Once a more accurate energy profile has been established a decision will be made on the viability of adding Energy Storage.