Devon & Cornwall Logs
Devon & Cornwall Logs, based near Launceston are a family run business suppling quality, kiln-dried logs to customers across the South West.
Solgen originally installed a 30kWp PV system in 2013 under the Feed-in-Tariff scheme to help lower grid consumption and improve the businesses green credentials.
The site also had two 80kWp wind turbines installed but as the business has grown so has the energy imported from the grid so Solgen were instructed to liaise with National Grid to see if an additional system could be installed on the recently erected extension.
A 70kWp system was permitted to be installed but was not allowed to export to the grid, so as well as installing metering equipment to carryout the export limitation, we also installed a monitoring system to view the performance of both PV systems and the wind turbine. The business is also able to monitor consumption which has enabled them to reduce usage where possible.
The installation also included substantial upgrade works to the distribution equipment on the site to enable to system to be connected.